Safex Workplace Managers Inc. has retained experts in the methodology of safety management. Years of hands-on experience in the field have provided them with knowledge unmatched in the industry. Through on-site consultations and needs assessments, you can put that knowledge to work for your organization. Wherever you are in your journey for safety excellence, Safex has the depth of expertise along with the vast resources to provide the right solution for your organization. Most of our Consultants are former Ministry of Labour Inspectors with real-world experience. All believe that an effective safety process not only fulfills a moral and legal obligation to keep employees safe but improves productivity and reduces costs. And they know that there are no one-size fits all solution to safety.
Our highly experienced Consultants evaluate your organizations existing safety policy and procedures, analyze your needs, and recommend action to all levels of management. The advice and implementation assistance they provide will produce real, measurable results.
Safex Workplace Consultants Ins. is committed to “building a safer workplace”. In addition to our customized consultative services, we offer, but not limited to, many other services and products, including: worker training, development and implementation of corporate safety policy and procedures, and WSIB claims management services.
Pease remember, “Safety is no accident”.